Today we began our 1 week tour to Anchorage, Alaska. This is the 5th year OBT has gone to Alaska, and the 4th year we've gone to Anchorage (the first year we went to Juneau). Today was mostly uneventful considering we spent the majority of it traveling. After arriving we had some time to unpack and then there was an optional class and a trip to Fred Meyers to get some produce and whatever might have been forgotten back in Portland. Most of us are pretty exhausted, so I think it's going to be a pretty quiet evening here in the hotel.
Here are some pictures from our day:

Mountain from the PDX airport.

Our fiesta plane to Seattle.

Flying over some ice, close to touch down in Alaska.

Some pretty mountains outside the Anchorage airport.

View from my hotel room.

Warming up before class.

More warming up.
Tomorrow Adrian will write about our first day of rehearsals and I think we may even have a dress rehearsal of sorts on the schedule.
Also, we'll be updating OBT's twitter page from time to time, so if you want more up to the minute coverage, check that out.
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