Here is the tutu that Alison wore for the pas de deux. It is utterly gorgeous and must make her feel like a million bucks.
Up-close view of the tutu skirt:
And here's Candace, ready to go onstage. It's amazing to see the finished product of all those months of work on these costumes, complete with headpiece, armlettes, hair, and makeup.
I'll ditto what Adrian and Steven have said about the marvel of having seen another season pass under the bridge. I'll also echo what Steven is feeling about a sense of disbelief at what's happened over these past few months, though for different reasons, of course. I have a feeling of relief that this season is done now, because now I won't be missing any more ballets or performances! Even so, now we've all made it through another season of ups and downs, individually and collectively, and are facing the blank canvas of possibilities that will be 2008-9. I, too, will keep you updated on what happens during the long summer layoff for us all. My daily life won't change too much except that I will start spending a lot more time at the studio than I have since February. (It's kind of ironic that as the rest of the company scatters, I'll be coming back IN to work...). I'll keep on with daily physical therapy, plus adding some work in the studio and taking class myself. I will also be doing a fair amount of teaching in the SOBT summer course. So it will be a very full summer, which is how I like them to be. After a short amount of downtime, we dancers tend to get antsy!
Merde to everyone for OBT's Kennedy Center debut! May it only be the first of many performances there and elsewhere on the national stage.
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