Goodbye for now, Seoul Arts Center!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Goodbye to Seoul
Goodbye for now, Seoul Arts Center!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Free Day and Back to Work
I had dinner with some friends Monday night at place called "Blue Ketchup.
It was back to work on Tuesday with a little bit of Nutcracker rehearsal and some Sleeping Beauty rehearsal for the ladies and Brett in preparation for our performance with the Oregon Symphony at the Waterfront later this month.
I decided to go to Myeong-Dong between rehearsal and the evening show. On the ride there I noticed this awesome fountain right near the Seoul Arts Centre where we are performing.
All the tickets for the Tuesday show (and tonight's show too, I think) were bought by 1 company for their employees, so the audience was great. Applause erupted half way through snow, something that hasn't happened in my memory of Nutcracker. After the show a group went out for what was supposed to be a 30 minute picture session with the crowd, but they were pulled out after 10 minutes because they were being surrounded and it seemed like the situation might not be entirely safe. Tonight we are doing and autograph signing after the show, so we'll see if that is a bit more successful.
The audiences have all been fantastic here, but something it has taken some getting used to is that instead of applauding here after the curtain comes in, they stop clapping until the curtain goes back out and the performers walk forward and actually take their bow. My first Drosselemeier here I went out on stage for my bow with the kids after Act 1 and felt like I was standing there with egg on my face because about 3 people were clapping when the curtain went back out until I walked forward with the kids and then the audience gave us a pretty enthusiastic round of applause.
I'm not dancing in the next 3 shows here (2 Drosselmeiers and a show off), and since I have no rehearsal today I'm going to skip class and go exploring/shopping with Gavin Larsen.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Last Day Before Opening
Dress rehearsal went fairly smoothly, all things considered, and I feel pretty confident in the quality of show we'll give tomorrow. I think many of us are uncertain of how we'll be received because we are quite different from the russian trained dancers they are used to seeing.
I'm still very much in awe of the theater we are performing in. They stage is huge, and while the house is quite large, it still has a very intimate feeling to it. Also, I'm a sucker for any theater with a chandelier in it. Here are some shots from the back of the stage, back of the house, and of the chandelier.
Lastly, one of my favorite things about Nutcracker is being transformed into a character through make-up, and especially the time between when I get my make-up done and when I put my costume on (my make-up call is and hour before curtain for this run, and my costume is very hot, so I usually don't get dressed until 15 before curtain). I feel so funny wandering around backstage looking like an old man from the neck up, and my 24 year old self from the neck down. Here's Javier as Grandfather and me as Drosselmeier killing time before putting on our costumes.
On a non-dance related note, the cicadas here are going crazy. This is the loudest I've ever heard cicadas be. Also, after many years of visiting family back in Pittsburgh and Ohio and hearing the noise constantly, I finally got to see what one looked like. Brian and I were visited by one outside our room this morning so I snapped a shot. They are so weird looking. Anyone recognize those wings?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Second Day of Rehearsals
It's hard to believe it's only the second day of rehearsals, it feels a bit like I've been here for a couple weeks. We had our first rehearsal on stage tonight, which I hear is very disorienting (I haven't rehearsed on stage yet, so I can't speak from experience). It's very deep, but about as wide as it is at home.
Maia got her first taste of the being pulled on the winch (or as we call it "the wench"), but because it wasn't her cast rehearsing she ended up trying it in her street clothes with one pointe shoe on. I couldn't help but snap a picture.
Tomorrow holds an Act I rehearsal on stage with the kids and a full dress in the evening (and hopefully something more interesting to write about).
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Free Day and First Day of Rehearsals

Wednesday was our Free Day. Some of us took the bus the has been chartered for us to class. It was a real kick to watch it drive up to our hotel with a huge nutcracker ad on it's side.

On the break I checked out the plaza outside of the entrance to the theater (we've been entering through the stage door) and it's really beautiful up there. There are restaurants, art exhibits, and even a little astro-turf area for playing.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Safe and Sound
Well, we've all arrived safe and sound in Seoul. The hotel is great and I'll post some pictures of that later today. It was an uneventful second flight, but I have a feeling I'll never really consider another flight to ever really be "eventful" again with that first one as my basis for comparison. At least the complimentary slippers helped a little bit.

I'll do my best to keep you all updated, but there's not telling how busy I'll be since we'll be starting Sleeping Beauty rehearsals while here.
Off to Class!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Due to an unscheduled in-flight fight, we are currently making a brief stop to allow police to help a belligerent shirt-less man de-plane.
We are all safe, but pretty shaken up. We're sitting on the plane until they are able to refuel and get statements from those involved in the altercation. In the meantime we are getting a beverage service and a snack.
I guess when I said "let the adventure begin" I should have been prepared for anything...
Stage 2: Check-in and Boarding
Let the adventure begin!
Stage 1: The Bus
So, the first leg of our trip involves a 3 hour bus ride up to the Seattle airport. On such a long bus ride the activities include, but are not limited to:
Studying (in this case for pilates certification)
Keeping up with current events
And playing with a mobile phone
Stage 2: Checking In - Coming soon.
The Day Before
More to come as we venture across the Pacific to bring The Nutcracker to Korea.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
OBT Goes to Seoul

But luckily, before panic set in, we saw the real advertisement outside--- a larger-than-life banner for OUR performances, hung on the side of the building for all of Seoul to see (and buy tickets for). Phew!