Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Three Left

We made it through the toughest week we've had in ages. Last week was a marathon of stage and dress rehearsals, finishing up with six performances in four days. With so few dancers doing so many ballets, everyone was worked just about to their limit. The rejoicing and satisfaction at the end of Sunday evening's show was exuberant and fun!
Now, after one short day off, we're back at the theater doing school matinees all week before doing our last three regular performances this weekend.

On a personal note, I'm conflicted between craving the satisfaction of having created a successful run of performances and not wanting it to be over. It's nearly impossible to think about this being in the past when I am so focused on what I need and want to do with each dancing day today. I'm expecting to wake up next week and wonder if my whole life so far has been a dream!

The Hamsters

Here they are, the "Hamsters" that make the magic ramp move.
First, outside the box:

And here's what it's like underneath:

The only light they have to guide them are their headlamps. It's hot, claustrophobic, and cramped under there-- I know, because I tiptoed inside to take these pictures!
They're doing a commendable job despite the awkwardness of the circumstances. Imagine the pressure of having to move and rotate this huge ramp around the stage, knowing that there is a dancer perched precariously on top. It's much worse than moving the Nutcracker bed-- at least then the dancer is lying down.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Loading up the truck

This afternoon, our crew started loading up the truck to move us over to the Newmark Theater for next week's performances. Just your basic Penske rent-a-van, filled with custom made and designed costumes, sets, light, and sound equipment.

Take a break, guys (and Thyra), and say hi!
Seeing "Oregon Ballet Theatre" stenciled onto the sides of our crates always makes me think for a second that I might be a part of a travelling circus.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

One more day of studio rehearsals, then on to tech and dress at the Newmark Theater. This rehearsal period has felt so short to me, maybe because I've been noticing each day gone by a little more acutely than ever before.

We open one week from today. It'll be a full week, but I'll try to update you on our progress as it goes!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tolstoy's Waltz Pas de...

Deux? Trois? Quatre?

Adrian and I have been rehearsing Tolstoy's Waltz for about four weeks now, and are learning that although the costume seems to have a mind of its own, it can be trained to obey commands. In the photo above, we imagine the worst-case scenario and possible mishap.
Adrian also pointed out that dancing with me when my hair is not up in a bun is like having yet another partner to contend with. Therefore, our pas de deux has turned into a pas de quatre!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My horoscope

"You are capable of extra physical effort, with the added bonus that you are dedicated to seeing things through to the end."

Yes! I like it!