There's just 11 days before their November 3rd debut at Mississippi Studios, so if you haven't yet purchased tickets, click here to do that!
In addition to over an hour of dancing to learn and rehearse, the particularly crafty Grace Shibley & Steven Houser have teamed up (with Candace's direction) to design and make the costumes for the evening.
Each morning the 7 dancers are in the studio warming up and rehearsing. It's been fun to watch and a joy to listen to - Horse Feathers' music is soothing and delightful. Here's a sneak peak into the studio:

It's a pretty big undertaking and everyone here at OBT is very impressed and proud of the effort this group has (and continues to) put into this project. We'll keep you posted as more behind the scenes stuff unfolds or you can stay up to date by becoming Uprising's fan on Facebook here.
We got out tickets the day this "uprising" was announced. We'll see you on Tuesday!