And it was spectacular. I think this photo says it all. The joy, energy, enthusiasm, and support that we felt from both sides of the curtain on Friday night was unprecedented.
After about a week of rest I am still struggling to find words to describe the enormity of the event on Friday. I think the feeling of humility has been overwhelming for me. The generosity of every dancer that was a part of Dance United astounds and blesses me. I was so grateful to hear that when people were asked to participate in this that they didn't have any reservations about it. Christiana Bennett, principal dancer of Ballet West told me, "This is terrible, what's happening to you. This city can't lose OBT. This country can't lose OBT. This is an arts organization that needs to be around." I think I also was hit by the fact that though I don't know any of these dancers personally, that it was still a family. The international dance community rallied around us in our time of need, and it will not be forgotten.
The dancing was terrific. Dancers that I've only heard of, or read their reviews in Dance Magazine, were sharing a stage with OBT. The overall goal of the evening was the benefit, but as the evening continued, I just saw it as a showcase for some of the best dancing that's happening in the country right now.
A friend of mine that attended the show simply thanked me after the show. "Thank you for dancing in Portland," she said. And that was one of the biggest complements that I've received. Often when I tell people, in this city or elsewhere, that I dance for a ballet company in Portland, Oregon, they ask why I don't move to LA or New York. Dance United, and the community outpouring last weekend, solidified for me that great dancing is happening here in Portland.
I hope you continue to dance with us.