Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Turn in the Studio

Although I've been in the studio quite a bit over the past few weeks teaching classes, today I put on my other hat and took class for the first time, almost exactly four months after ankle surgery. I'd tested the waters already by doing an experimental barre a few times by myself (at first in my kitchen, holding onto the countertop, and then in an empty studio after class had finished) and felt ready to be in the company of others and follow someone else's direction. How's it feeling? So far, so good. I even put pointe shoes on and went up and down a few times. I'm sure this will change, but for now the most painful thing is my toenails.

I've got two months to get fully back up to speed in time to start rehearsals in September. That's not really very much time. Eight weeks will go by quickly, and I'm still at the very beginning of this next phase of recovery. I'm not sure if it's the last phase or not, but it IS amazing to think back on all the milestones that I've taken note of so far. The one that sticks in my mind the most is the first time I walked outside without a cast, boot, or crutch-- in two normal shoes. That was back in late April sometime, I think. The sensation of freedom was overwhelming--- I felt so unencumbered and free!

So here we go, back at the old familiar barre, doing the old familiar exercises. Except they don't feel quite as familiar as they did once before!


  1. Gavin, it was great to see you in class, yesterday! You looked so strong at barre that it didn't even register as momentous when you stepped away and joined us in centre, too.

    I remember my own first giddy walk down the orthopedist's hallway, moments after he said I could drop the boot and crutches. Judging from the looks I got in his reception area, I guess the grin on my face made me look half crazy; so I tried to tone it down a bit before I reached the sidewalk. :)

    We look forward to seeing on stage again soon!

  2. Thank you, David! I think I can understand your "crazy grin". I had the same one, walking down the street that day. Makes you think about what we take for granted when we're healthy.
    See you in class!
